Thursday, August 19, 2010

We went to a homeschool photography club and learned about perspective. In this photo that I took mom looks like she is very low to the ground.

In this photo I took a picture of the fountains in the middle of the landing. I tried to make it seem that it was taken from the ground.
Here is another picture of the fountains.
In this photo I took a picture of the bridge and its geometric patterns.
Here I took a picture of a bird that was standing on the base of the table.

Photo Club - Tree Hill Nature Center

We kept practicing taking pictures of different perspectives of things. We went to the Tree Hill Nature Center. It was really fun. we got to see chickens roaming around freely. We became members and I took a close up of an animal. Can you guess what animal It is?

If you said wooly mammoth you are correct. It is a skull of a wooly mammoth that lived 10,000 B.C.E.
Here we have a picture of a goat that was taken when I, the cameraman was lying on the ground.
Here the goat was looking up at me I couldn't resist taking a picture of his big beady eyes.
Here we have the camera under the cage and took a picture of the chicken and got the chicken scratching her feathers.
Here is the perspective of a ant crawling across the leaves and fallen bark.
Here the arrow is pointing to the right. I took this picture looking down on it like I was a hawk.
Here is another view of the arrow but looking on it from the side.
Here we have a picture of a spiderweb with the tiny spider in the center of the web.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


In the beginning of July my mom signed me up for a two week camp. Ryan did not want me to go. I was little nervous but I went in with a open mind. Said good bye and headed off to camp. It was the mountain retreat in North Carolina.
Here is the place we stayed for a week before going on the AT. We slept in sleeping bags on the floor. In the back was all our stuff like our duffle bags or suitcases. We called it the thunder shack dome. We had family council and talked about our favorite and not favorite part of the day.

This is the trail that we did work on and hiked to the dinning hall on. We put in rocks and logs on this trail.
Here is one of the places that we put logs in. We had to build a trench with a tool that has a curved part and a axe blade on the handle.
It was time to go on the AT. We packed our hiking bags and took off. We were going to spend 5 days on the AT. I was hoping that nothing was going to happen.
The first day was a five mile hike. The last mile was rough. I was going all over the trail. When I took off the pack I fell down in a heap. I couldn't go any farther but I just had to. I mustered up all that I had left in me and made it to the shelter. Ben checked my pulse it was 74 bpm. I helped out cooking tacos. After we ate we went to Siler Bald. It was an awsome view. All you could see was mountains.
The Fourth day on the trail we stopped by wesser tower. It was an amazing view. All you could see was mountains. It was very peaceful and quite. All you could here was birds an the leaves blowing.
Here is the view of another view at wesser tower execpt it wasn't on the tower.
Besides a lot of mountains there were a lot of trees. The AT is all trees or all mountains. We also had to go to the bathroom in the woods but one time we got lucky and went to to the bathroom in a toilet that the park ranger put there.
Here is the last day! Everybody went home with there family and we planned to do this next year.